Hippie,San Francisco, Ancient Period-early 1960s
The hippie was originally a youth movement that began in the United Stated during the early 1960s and spread around the world. The word hippie come from hipster, and was initially used to describe beatniks who had moved into San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district. The hippie garment is worn by a group of people, who has a culture as a myriad forms such as health foods, music festivals and contemporary sexual mores.

The kimono is the traditional clothing of Japan. Kimono styles have changed significantly from one period of history to another, with many different types of kimonos worn by men, women and children in Japan today. The cut, color, fabric and decorations of a kimono may vary according to the sex, age and marital status of the wearer, the season of the year and the occasion for which the kimono is worn.Today, a Japanese woman usually owns only one kimono, which she wears for her coming of age ceremony on her 20th birthday. For weddings, a complete bridal kimono and accompanying apparel are usually rented.

The Classical garment of Ancient Greek clothing consisted of lengths of wool or linen, generally rectangular and secured at the shoulders with ornamented pins called fibulae and belted with a sash. Typical garments were the peplos, a loose robe worn by women; the chlamys, a cloak worn by men; and the chiton, a tunic worn by both men and women. Men’s chitons hung to the knees, whereas women’s chitons fell to their ankles. A long cloak called a himation was worn over the peplos or chlamys.

Charles d'Orleans (1394-1465) and Mary of Cleves (1426-1487) under a canopy. Tapestry from a Brussels workshop. 1470.Location :Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France. Ancient Period-11th-13th centuries.
Medieval clothing varied according to the social status of the people. The clothing worn by nobility and upper classes was clearly different than the lower class. Early medieval women's clothing consisted of "kirtles", which were tunics worn to their ankles. These tunics were often worn over a shirt. When the women were in public, they often topped the tunics with an even shorter "kirtle." Of course the more affluent women wore more luxurious clothing than those of the less affluent lifestyle. Women, especially those who were married, wore tight-fitting caps and nets over their hair, which was wound in a "bun" on their heads. Other women wore veils over their hair, which was left either hanging loosely, or braided tightly.